Party time! Confetti brightens up any room and the twirling pieces of coloured confetti ensure a colourful spectacle at any event. Our Confetti comes in bags of 1kg and cartons of 10kg, so that you can scatter quite a bit of it around! Confetti can also be used in combination with certain shooters, cannons, swirlers, blowers and blasters or thrown by hand and used for decoration, filling balloons only the best quality.
Slowfall Confetti UV Fluro
- Pink
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
Slowfall Confetti Stars
- Multicolour
- Yellow
- Orange
- Pink
- Red
- Purple
- Light Blue
- Dark Blue
- Light Green
- Dark Green
- Black
- White
Slowfall Confetti Rounds
- Multicolour
- Yellow
- Orange
- Pink
- Red
- Purple
- Light Blue
- Dark Blue
- Light Green
- Dark Green
- Black
- White
Slowfall Confetti Petals
- Red
- Pink
- White
Slowfall Confetti Hearts
- White
- Pink
- Red
Metallic Confetti Stars
- Gold
- Silver
Metallic Confetti Rounds
- Gold
- Silver
Metallic Confetti Hearts
- Gold
- Silver
- Red